Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Earth Art

The Art + Nature = Fun class created Earth Art (otherwise known as Environmental Installation Art) as inspired by Andy Goldsworthy the second to last day of camp.  Thankfully it wasn't too terribly hot, and the kids had a lot of fun making their projects, as well as a class one that was inspired by the Olympics.  If you have a chance, I would really recommend checking out Andy Goldsworthy's works: they are amazing!  Here is a link to a slideshow on YouTube.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Claymation Session 3

Claymation videos created by the Session 3 Become a Cartoonist and Animator Class!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Last Day of Camp!

We finished camp off with a bang learning about Andy Goldsworthy and creating Environmental Installation Art as a class.  Andy Goldsworthy is a really interesting artist.  He creates art solely out of materials found in nature, takes a picture of what he has created, and then lets nature take its course.  Here is a link to a short video clip that we watched in class.  Thankfully we were able to beat the rain and create outside on the school grounds.  I really enjoyed spending time and making art with each student in the class!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Plein Air Painting

Thursday we were able to go outside and paint with watercolors in the courtyard.  We talked about color matching and practiced mixing colors to match what we saw.  We then painted things that we saw in the courtyard, even our fellow classmates!  We also watched a portion of William Kentridge's charcoal video work.  There are so many different, amazing contemporary artists out there!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


We finished our nature material animals and started learning about watercolors today!  The animals turned out to look great and each student even wrote a story in their sketchbook to go along with their animals.  When the animals were finished, we moved on to watercolors.  We looked at a lot of images and talked about different watercolor techniques, such as washes, wet on wet, dry brush, and glazing.  We also discussed color-mixing with watercolors.  Each student then practiced watercolor techniques in  their sketchbooks.  It was fun trying to mix a lot of colors and being able to play with paint!

Nature Animal Sculptures

Tuesday we learned about plein air painting and painted outside in the garden courtyard.  We also started on our sculptures made out of things found in nature.  Each student designed their own animal and then we went on a walk as a class to find our materials.  The animals are looking great!

Creating Landscapes

We got to paint our own landscapes today.  Since we discussed the different parts of a landscape on Friday, we tried to include those in our landscapes.  We painted with tempera paint and tried to mix as many colors as we could to make our paintings more realistic.